A shaft of sunlight entering the east side-room of inner sanctuary of Amon-Ra in Temple of King Ramses ll (1186-1155 BC),

Khrystal | Archaeology
April 23, 2024

Karnak Temple Barque Chapel of Ramesses III

Ramesses III (1184–1153 BC) built a bark shrine south of the second pylon, which was later enclosed by the court yard constructed by Shoshenq I (943-922 BC). The shrine’s entrance was fronted by a small pylon adorned with scenes of the king smiting his enemies and two six meter statues carved from red sandstone flanked the door way.

Inside, the first court is lined with Osride statues of the king; the west side wear the red crown of the south, while those on the east side wear the white crown of the north.

Beyond the court is a vestibule also fronted by Osiride pillars leading into a small hypostyle hall which in turn leads into three chapels for the barques of Karnak.
