A French woman pours cider for a British Bren gunner in Lisieux, France, 1944.

Khrystal | History
April 30, 2024


British troops use a Sherman tank for cover as they cautiously advance through a town in Normandy shortly after D-day – June 1944


A US M3A1 Stuart tank wearing a foliage covering makes its way through the damaged streets of Coutances, France, July 1944. The Stuart, nicknamed ‘The Honey’ was a sturdy and extremely reliable tank used, not exclusively by the American, British and French troops during WW2


German rocket scientists test launch another V2 rocket – date and location unknown. The missile, powered by a liquid propellant rocket engine was developed during ww2 in Germany as a vengeance weapon. The V-2 rocket also became the first artificial object to travel into space by crossing the Karman Line (edge of space) on 20th June 1944


During the early stages of WW2 there was a real fear in Britain that Germany would use gas during their air raids. Here, British soldiers from the RAMC (Royal Army Medical Corps) undergo anti-gas suit training – England 1940


world war two ww2 worldwar2photos history 1940s ww2 history wwii world war 2 ww2history wwii era great britain RAMC 1940 England gas mask gas attack royal army medical corps

US Marines pose with their War Dogs – Bougainville, Solomon Islands 1943

