Lakers’ LeBron James must ‘retire’ to preserve GOAT legacy, Kendrick Perkins say

May 7, 2024

In a bold and controversial take, former NBA player Kendrick Perkins has suggested that LeBron James, arguably one of the greatest basketball players of all time, should retire to protect his legacy. Speaking on ESPN’s “First Take” alongside Stephen A. Smith and Shannon Sharpe, Perkins expressed a sentiment that might stir mixed feelings among fans and analysts alike.

“I hate to say this but I believe it in my soul. I wish LeBron James would retire. Not because I don’t want to see more of LeBron James. … The more LeBron James continues to play the game of basketball, the more it’s going to hurt his legacy and the more it’s going to continue to hurt his GOAT argument,” Perkins stated.

Perkins’ assertion taps into a deep well of basketball discourse around legacy, age, and performance. At 38, LeBron is no longer in the spring of his youth, yet his numbers and impact on the court remain formidable. However, the high standards to which he is held seem to create a paradox; his continued presence in the league is both a testament to his greatness and, as Perkins suggests, a potential hazard to his stature in the annals of NBA history.

Addressing LeBron’s accountability—or perceived lack thereof—Perkins was critical of James’ responses to defeats throughout his career. Reflecting on LeBron’s time with the Miami Heat and other teams, Perkins noted a pattern of behavior following playoff exits. “It has never been accountability when it comes down to LeBron when he has losing seasons or gets eliminated. We can go all the way back to the Miami days, when he got eliminated he came on the mic and talked about how he was gonna go off and ride into his vacation and live his wonderful life,” Perkins elaborated.

This criticism strikes at the heart of the ongoing debate over what it means to be the “GOAT” (Greatest of All Time). For many, the title is as much about skill and records as it is about leadership and grace in defeat.

Further complicating matters for LeBron is the role of his team’s management. Perkins pointed out LeBron’s attempts to influence the Lakers’ front office, particularly during this season’s trade deadline. “LeBron James at the trade deadline this season was sending so many subliminals for Rob Pelinka to make some moves because he knew the Lakers did not have enough,” he said. This comment highlights the perennial challenge facing aging superstars: the need for a strong supporting cast that can complement and elevate their game.

LeBron’s predicament is exacerbated by the sky-high expectations that shadow him every season. “Every season he steps foot on the court there will be expectations of him winning a championship, and when he doesn’t do that we gonna be looking at him and saying what happened now,” Perkins remarked. Such is the burden of excellence that LeBron carries; anything less than a championship often feels like a letdown.

Lebron James and The Lakers can’t get past the Denver Nuggets

Lebron James vs Nugget

The situation is not helped by the recent playoff performances of the Lakers, who have been eliminated in consecutive seasons by the Denver Nuggets, leading to many believing that Lebron James is, unfortunately, suffering from his own version of ‘Lebronto’ hell. Originally coined to describe LeBron’s dominance over the Toronto Raptors in the playoffs, the term has now taken a new, ironic meaning, indicating the Lakers’ repeated failures against the Nuggets, suggesting a cycle of disappointment that could further stain LeBron’s career narrative.

What does all this mean for LeBron James and his legacy? On one hand, his career is studded with achievements that few can match, including four NBA championships and two Olympic gold medals, not to mention his numerous records and accolades. On the other, as Perkins highlights, each additional season without a championship, each playoff exit, seems to chip away at the mythic status LeBron has built over two decades.

Whether or not one agrees with Perkins’ drastic recommendation for LeBron to retire, his comments do ignite a significant conversation about how athletes should manage the twilight of their careers. Is it better to bow out at the peak, forever remembered as an invincible titan, or to soldier on, risking the blemishes of age and defeat but also perhaps adding layers to a more human, relatable legacy?

Ultimately, the decision lies with LeBron himself. History will tell if he chooses to retire soon or continues to chase further glory, potentially against the odds. As the debate rages on, what remains clear is LeBron’s unwavering influence on basketball, an influence that will endure long after he leaves the court for the last time. Whether he retires now or later, his legacy as one of the greatest to ever play the game is already secure, though, as Perkins suggests, its contours may still change.