Fire Watch Episode 5: Meet the Women Changing How the Army Treats Female Soldiers

Khrystal | History
April 30, 2024

Episode Introduction

Fire Watch Episode 5: Meet the Women Changing How the Army Treats Female  Soldiers |

Who are the women shaking up Army rules? Today, junior ranks are leading the charge to make change in the military. Not only for hair policy, but for women’s reproductive health and in tackling the pervasive sexual assault issue that has been plaguing the military for decades.

On this episode, we’re going to talk to some of those soldiers who have spoken up and found ways to shape policies aimed at making the service more supportive for women and families so that soldiers can focus on winning wars.

Photo] Female factory worker posed with finished Sten sub-machinegun, Small  Arms, Ltd., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada, 26 May 1942 | World War II  Database

Seventy-five years ago, the Women’s Army Corps or WACs was established amid the infamous manpower shortages of World War Two. And here you might think about iconic images of Rosie the Riveter, flexing muscle over American steel bound for war. But the WACs led the charge for women in that war. Since then, in over the decades, women who volunteered to serve in the military have been criticized, politicized and often demonized by their fellow Americans.

Tucker Carlson

A Brief History Of Women In Combat | NCPR News

So we’ve got new hairstyles and maternity flight suits, pregnant women are going to fight our wars. It’s a mockery of the US military, while China’s military becomes more masculine as…

Drew Lawrence

That was Fox’s Tucker Carlson addressing his millions of primetime viewers. But at each corner, those women — all of whom have volunteered to put on the uniform — have carved their own way in the services, just as their predecessors have done.

Army Video

A you two armchair generals on the porch here something more for you to think about. Listen, General Eisenhower said, in many jobs WACs do the work of two men.

WACs Presenter

We know that the rumors about the WACs are so much hot air. The same old hair do the same old hair do. This nonsense, our hairdress is up to us as long as it’s neat, smart and off the collar.

Drew Lawrence