Tartary or Great Tartary would have been a lost civilization

Khrystal | Archaeology
April 26, 2024

Tartary or Great Tartary would have been a lost civilization, a powerful and extensive empire that would have occupied all of northern Asia until approximately 1775. It was like an ancient World Order, known as the “greatest country in the world.”

The great kingdom of Tartary was the country of the Tatars, founded by the famous Khan Lu around the 13th century. This territory shared both the Chinese influence and the influence of the Rus peoples. For a long time the Greeks theorized this country as the place of the Hyperboreans, a race of giants, perhaps inspired by the height, enormous for them, of its inhabitants. This enormous size has been made known in various artistic representations of its inhabitants.

The people of Tartaria are known for living in a cold steppe and vast tracts of forest, so many of their buildings were made of wood or animal skins. It is speculated the invention of a clean energy technology that was transmitted wirelessly, used both to activate canals, mills or cranes, facilitating the lifestyle of the Tatar populations. Unfortunately, this technology was lost with the fall of their empire, probably due to landslides in the 18th century; only destroyed remains and artistic or descriptive representations of them have remained.


The Empire of Tartaria came to an end after the Russian conquest of Siberia between the 18th and 19th centuries, completely occupying the territory that previously belonged to this nation. It is believed that prior to its fall, the Siberian region suffered an unusual phenomenon of landslides, causing the destruction and burying of several of the cities of Great Tartary, being easy prey for the neighboring kingdoms.

Much of the Tartaric culture has been hidden by Soviet communism during the USSR period, as well as by the Chinese communist party, to the point that attempts have been made to erase its historical participation in the global conflicts of the Middle and Modern Ages. However, there is a large bibliography of maps that mention this territory, something that has not been erased from foreign sources.

Most of the iconic buildings of this culture have been supplanted by later Russian and Chinese buildings, especially fortresses, churches or pagodas, although there are still reports of minor explorers visiting many of its cities and describing the complexity of beautiful vaults and arches in palaces and temples.